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Èist Rinn

Diùra NicPhàdraig

Diùra Paterson

Monologue de bheachdan agus eòlasan nigheanan bhon dìth chuideachaidh agus fhiosrachaidh mu shlàinte bhoireannaich, gu sònraichte Endometriosis, PCOS agus PMDD. Is e glaodh a tha seo airson atharrachadh gus cuideachadh le bhith a’ cruthachadh àm ri teachd nas fheàrr dha nigheanan is boireannaich, mar sin feuch an èist thu rinn.

A monologue of girls’ view and experiences from the lack of help and information about women’s health, specifically Endometriosis, PCOS and PMDD. This is a cry out for change to help create a better future for girls and women, so please listen to us.

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