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Àrd-sgoil Phort Rìgh

Portree High School

Coinnichidh sibh ri Raghnall Robastan a tha os cionn an companaidh Coinnlean an Eilein Sgitheanaich còmhla ris a bhràthair Seumas. Tron fhilm thèid sibh air cuairt timcheall an t- àite obrach as ùra aca ann am Port Rìgh agus gheibh sibh a-mach mar a thòisich iad agus mar a tha an companaidh air fàs thar na bliadhnaichean. Cluinnidh sibh bho triùir a tha ag obair ann is iad a bruidhinn mun àrainneachd a chruthaich Raghnall agus Seumas is cho cudromach sa tha an t-àite ris a choimhearsnachd.

You will meet Raghnall Robertson who runs the Skye Candles company with his brother James. During the film you will be taken on a tour of their newest workplace in Portree and you will discover how they started and how the company has grown over the years. You will hear from three people who work there as they talk about the environment that Ronald and James have created and how important the place is to the community.

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