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Coinnich ris na Cluicheadairean

Alba FA

Tha Coinnich ris na Cluicheadairean ag innse sgeulachd Alba FA agus mar a chaidh sgioba nàiseanta do luchd-labhairt na Gàidhlig a stèidheachadh. Thug an turas gu na Euros sa Ghearmailt na cluicheadairean còmhla bho coimhearsnachdan Gàidhlig air feadh Alba gus an cànan, an cultar agus an dearbh-aithne a riochdachadh.

Meet the players tells the story of the Alba Football Association and the formation of a national team for Gaelic speakers. The journey to Germany for the Euro’s brings players together from different Gaelic communities to represent their language, culture and identity.

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